Dr. TENG Delux
Faculty Member
Dr. Teng Delux, University Professor, a member of doctoral review committee at various universities and a part-time professor at College of Social Sciences (CoSS) and Techo Sen School of Government and International relations (TSS), University of Cambodia. He received his bachelor's degree, two master degrees from Belgorod State University, Russia, and earned a PhD in World Economic from the same university. His Publications include Essence and phases of international economic integration, Comparative Analysis of University Publication Activity by Google Scholar (On Example of Leading Czech and Germany), Method for the Quantitative Evaluation of Universities’ Publishing Activity by Countries Based on the Taiwanese Ranking
Faculty Members
Dr. CHEN Chanratana
Faculty MemberDr. CHEN Chanratana, a professor of history in the College of S...
Get in touch
Phone: (855-23) 993 274, 993 276, (855-60) 333 346
URL: http://uc.edu.kh
Email: coss@uc.edu.kh